Hello, my name is Ivo.
    I played Blox City under that username for a few months until it closed and I later returned to BrickPlanet to develop the website BrickPlanet.Trade which I still do.
    I am here to tell you that in a matter of months or maybe a year BrickPlanet will close again.
    You will lose all of the items you paid for and you will not be refunded.
    The story starts when Blox City closed. When it closed, Isaac made a number of claims designed to justify the closure and exploit the loyalty of his naive young users.
    First, Isaac claimed that all profits would be used to pay corporate income tax.
    You should understand that corporation tax is only imposed on the money Isaac had left over after he had paid for all the expenses of running a website.
    Blox City was a corporation in Delaware which has a tax rate of about 8% - this means that about 92% of all the profit Isaac was not used to pay tax.
    Make no mistake, Isaac made money from Blox City.
    This was something confirmed by Isaac's business partner, Brennan, in relation to BrickPlanet.
    In the month Brennan described as the worst month in BrickPlanet's short history, Isaac made a very small loss of just over $1,200.
    Don't be confused by this: almost every company loses tens of thousands of dollars in it's first year of business,
    so if BrickPlanet's worst month was a mere $1,258 loss, you can assume that Isaac made a substantial profit in the good months.
    And yet, when it came down to BrickPlanet closing, Isaac claimed $3,500 in chargebacks was enough to wipe out an entire years profit. In fact, he went further, claiming he was left with $50.
    Brennan Pfeiffer's thoughts on BrickPlanet closing revealed that Isaac was paying himself $3,000 a month in addition to all the profit BrickPlanet made.
    If you're wondering where all the money from Blox City and BrickPlanet went, I seriously hope you're beginning to question the legitimacy of Isaac's accounting skills.
    But let's say you accept Isaac's incredible claims. If you believe that Isaac truly was left with $50 in his bank account,
    how on earth did he manage to re-open BrickPlanet a month after he claimed it was wiped out by chargebacks when he had so little money?
    A website like BrickPlanet costs hundreds of dollars a month to run and yet BrickPlanet has no investors, Isaac allegedly has no job or money in his bank account.
    But Isaac isn't just financially questionable. After he closed Blox City, he claimed he would leave children's gaming all together which he clearly did not do.
    After closing BrickPlanet, he claimed he was moving to California to start a new business so that when he inevitably returned to re-open BrickPlanet you would think that this time it's different:
    this time, Isaac is ready, Isaac is dedicated and Isaac is mature enough to run a business. He even registered a website called DashTrade.com to convince you.
    Just think about Isaac's character for a minute. He calls himself the CEO but runs his company like a child: not paying the people who work for him, unable to support the game itself
    and with genuine disrespect for you, the people to whom he owes the most. Brennan revealed that in Blox City's short year Isaac actually hadn't been working on the software to make games possible
    until two weeks before the game client was actually released, despite promising a game client from the beginning.
    With the benefit of hindsight, this is obvious. What was the Blox City game client? A baseplate, some simple physics and practically nothing of effort or value.
    And remember: Isaac took your money, at the end of the year he took the stuff you bought and didn't refund you.